Polarity Therapy

Polarity helps our body relax and find the natural balance of good health

Polarity and energy and therapy

Everything, including thought, is a form of energy. Everything that exists has its own unique patterns or frequencies of energy movement. Patterns and frequencies of energy movement create the forms and properties of everything we can sense and perceive. Our human being state is supported by life energy patterns and frequencies within and around our body.

Polarity suggests one quality of energy is movement from an origin or source. On our planet we describe lines of energy moving between poles. We call this magnetism. Gravity is another form of energy. Polarity understands the movements of energy are influenced by concepts such as attraction, repulsion or balance. Our human energy is influenced by everything we think, feel, do and experience. Our human energy fields are in a constant state of movement and journey towards balance.

Dr Randolph Stone, the founder of Polarity Therapy used the word Polarity to encapsulate these ideas about the movement of all energies in the human body.

Polarity Therapy healing sessions apply these understandings about energy to encourage the movement and balance of energy in the human energy fields.

What is Polarity Therapy?

Polarity Therapy is based on an awareness of life as energy. Polarity Therapy encourages the movement and balance of life energy. This is a key to the natural art of health building.

Polarity Therapy is a form of energy medicine. Energy medicine considers that bio-fields of energy are what give us life. When we are stressed, in pain, experience discomfort or dis-ease our bio-fields are disturbed. When we are healthy these bio-fields are strong and balanced. At death, these bio-fields break down completely and no longer support the movement of our life energies.

What is Health?

The natural movement and balance of life energy is experienced as good health.

If our life energy is blocked, weakened, impeded or built up we experience this as physical, mental or emotional stress, discomfort, ill health, disease or pain. Polarity Therapy encourages the natural movement of life energy back into balance. Too much stress disturbs our natural energy movement and creates imbalances. Relaxation allows our energy to find natural balance. Polarity helps us to relax.

Dr Stone reminded us, “Man is ill because he is never Still”.

Health Care and Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy is included within the group of health care practices called Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Polarity Therapy is also termed an holistic approach to health care. Polarity Therapists are concerned with all aspects of your health. From our perspective, emotions, thoughts and the physical body are completely linked and interdependent. Stress, pain, discomfort or dis-ease can occur in our emotions, our thinking and/or our bodies. Our human life experience is an interactive, fully integrated system of thoughts, feelings, beliefs and sensations.

Nothing is separate. Our energetic connections also reach much further than we frequently think. Einstein reminds us:

“A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature.”  Albert Einstein

How does Polarity Therapy work?

The Polarity Therapist uses specific polarity contacts and movements. Energy awareness is focused through the hands of the therapist. Attention is directed towards blocked or unbalanced energy.

Polarity Therapy seeks to encourage healthy energy movement using:

  • Polarity Therapy bodywork sessions
  • Polarity yoga
  • Healthy Nutrition
  • Discussion and self help practices to encourage good health

Polarity Therapy sessions

Most Polarity Therapy sessions are about 90 minutes. The bodywork component will usually last from 45 minutes or more. During this time the therapist will be making polarity contacts on the front and/or back of the body. The therapist may use gentle hand placements. At other times reflexology connections will be made and there may be gentle or firm rocking movements. As therapists, our intention is to encourage the movement of life energy.

During sessions clients usually experience very deep relaxation.

The therapist may discuss eating and drinking habits and natural nutrition.

The therapist may also demonstrate and suggest Polarity yoga movements or postures and breathing exercises. Other lifestyle choices may be discussed and self help practices may be suggested.