Polarity as a Mandala

Polarity Therapy combines understandings from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sacred Geometry, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Astrology, the Tarot, Ayurvedic Medicine and Sacred Sound.

Australian Polarity Therapist, Gordon Landridge created this Polarity Mandala. His explanation acknowledges the complexities and paradigms that weave the fabric of Polarity Therapy health building.

This mandala is a comprehensive representation of Polarity Therapy containing in geometric form, most of the symbols and many of the relationships depicted in Dr Stone’s Polarity Therapy books. It is an adaption of one of the major figures from Sacred Geometry, Metatron’s Cube, which contains the five sacred solids of Pythagoras.

Each of the Sacred solids is a vibrational expression, in form, of the five elements – Dodecahedron (Ether), Octahedron (Air), Tetrahedron (Fire), Icosahedron (Water) and the Cube (Earth). Metatron is the name of the Archangel associated with Kether, the first of the ten Sephirot (emanations of God) on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.

 The three Gunas are represented by the three primary colours – red (Rajas, masculine), blue (Tamas, feminine) and yellow (Sattva, neutral). The other colour, purple is the opposite pole and compliment of yellow and the union of red and blue. The result is a visual harmonic vibration corresponding to the notes C, E, G and B of the C Major scale.

 The straight lines are masculine and the circles feminine. The six pointed star (hexagrams) being the union of the male, downward pointing triangle and the female, upward pointing triangle and therefore appropriately coloured purple. The finer of the red lines represent the wireless waves of the elements weaving the patterns of the embryo in the womb (in this case twins).  Their source is the Zodiac whose twelve signs are represented by the alternating red and blue sections of the second outer circle. Aries is at 1 o’clock, Taurus at two o’clock and so on. The three-fold relationship of each element is revealed by the largest of the six pointed stars. As its points intersect two zodiac signs each, this allows each triangle to show the relationship of two elements simultaneously. The signs from 1-4 o’clock are positive, from 5-8 o’clock are neutral and 9-12 o’clock are negative. The upward pointing triangle shows the relationships of the Fire and Water elements. The downward pointing triangle shows the relationship of the Air and Earth elements.

 The twins are formed from the inner circle – Masculine (red) Feminine (blue) and their intersection forms part of the twin snakes of a dual Caduceus that can be viewed from the north and south poles. It is interesting to note that the twins (Gemini) ruled by the planet Mercury (Greek name, Hermes) were necessary for the Caduceus (the Staff of Hermes) to be formed. The two red and blue opposing triangles on one level represent the inner polarity of the twins (their anima and animus) and on another level they form the Two of Cups. All the twos on the Tarot represent polarity as they are associated with the second emanation of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Chockhmah.

 Kether and Chokhmah form the first polarity, The Archangel Ratziel is associated with Chokhmah. On the physical level this represents the Zodiac (a second note of synchronicity). The Two of Cups represents Venus in Cancer, its title is the ‘Lord of Love’ and its function is to bring light into the world.

 Other symbols in the Mandala are the Five Pointed Star, pyramids, the symbol of Aries (where the twins intersect at both poles), the bar magnet with ultrasonic core, the cell and cell division and the flow of energy away from and back to, the source. This connection between inner and outer is also depicted by the outer purple circle reflecting the inner purple circle emphasising that all is one harmonic vibration.